Saturday, 17 November 2007

We gaan naar Yorkshire!!!

Details of your visit:

Application 5787

Summary of those involved

Student: Rhea Vanhellemont
Institution: Kings College London
Regional Organiser: Mabel Winson
Host: Ms Patricia Chandler


Type of visit applied for: weekend
Confirmed visit date: Fri 30 Nov 2007

Accompanying persons details

Student intends to visit with a friend: Yes
Name of accompanying friend: Judith Van Doorselaer
The institute the friend is attending: Kings College London
Student is prepared to share bedroom with friend: Yes

Some information about your host

Ms Patricia Chandler

Background details about this host, spouse or partner and family

Host main contact name: Patricia Chandler
Host title: Ms
Host gender Female
Host profession: Retired teacher
Host nationality: English
Age range of host: 60over
Religion of host: C of E
Number of of adults in household: 1
Number of cats: 3
Other pets: pig, chickens, geese, ducks

Nearest coach station: Thirsk
Train station: Thirsk

Interests indicated by this host

Reading: Yes
Gardening: Yes
Walking: Yes
Any other activities: Can speak French


Kek said...


Anonymous said...

Ja! Veel plezier!! (Zou het zo'n schattig gereserveerd oud Engels dametje zijn?)

Anonymous said...

Ik ben kei benieuwd naar het verslag van deze trip!

Anonymous said...

The misty Yorkshire moors in the November twilight... Ik ben eigenlijk wel jaloers, ik wil ook nog eens naar Noord-Engeland :)