What an excellent picture! Thank you very much indeed. May I grant both of you an Everlasting Honorary Membership of my TOAWN Fellowship? (TOAWN is the abbreviation of ‘The Ones Acquainted With the Night’.) Among the outstanding Honorary Members of TOAWN are William Shakespeare (‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream)’, Charlie Chaplin (‘City Lights’), J.F. Céline (‘Voyage au bout de la nuit’), Vincent van Gogh, (‘Terrasse du Café le Soir, Place du Forum, Arles’), Graham Greene, Carol Reed & Orson Welles (‘The third man’), Maurice Sendak (‘In the Night Kitchen’ and ‘Where the Wild Things Are’) and a great many others. We all share at least two things: a keen sensibility for the mysteries of the night and our fellowship anthem. The lyrics of the anthem are the fourteen lines of a poem written by your servant:
I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain - and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane. I have passed by the watchman on his beat And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet When far away an interrupted cry Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back to say good-by; And further still at an unearthly height, One luminary clock against the sky Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right I have been one acquainted with the night.
Well, don’t you agree your picture and my poem are dizygotic twins?. As to the music, it is somewhat less definite. Indeed it has to be reinvented whenever the anthem is sung and it keeps changing forever in close correspondence with the phases of the moon. So feel free to hum or sing it in your own way according to your mood (which is of course dictated by the moon.)
Now, my dear Melanie and Rosie, do you accept this Honorary Membership? If your answer is positive, you only have to pass one small initiation ritual. I ask you to go out one night and take an artistic picture of Big Ben showing its luminary clock. On the very moment the snapshot is taken you will enter the Fellowship en enjoy the company of all its members. And please, do put it on your weblog.
Welkom op onze blog. De plasticzak hoef je niet meer mee te brengen als je langskomt rond halfzeven.
Herinnert u zich uw dromen als u wakker wordt?
Hoe snijdt u een kiwi open?
Hoe vliegt u in uw dromen?
Thing To Do / Levensdoelen
- net zoveel vreemde mensen leren kennen in Gent als in London
- de kleine Blochtaartjes proeven (gefaald)
- een Blandijn-theatergezelschap oprichten
- onze muziekkennis bijschaven
- nieuwe hoofding op de blog zetten met foto’s door Pieter Morlion (geslaagd!)
- veel in de boekentoren gaan zitten. Om aldaar het vreemde Wupsding te observeren (MAAR LET OP VOOR DE BOEKENTORENGRIEZEL!)
- geinterviewd worden door DM of 09 over onze (vreemd genoeg nog niet zo omvangrijke) Lovestoriesdatabase
- de Ware vinden
- nog meer levensdoelen bedenken.
Waar opent u een banaan?
People We Would Like To Meet
- degene die het eerst zei: 'trop is teveel en teveel is trop'
- Nefertari, onze Egyptische koningin, omdat ze zó hartsgrondig kan klagen over de kleinste dingen dat ze ons vrolijk maakt
- mijn blauwogige poeziemensen (Melanie)
- de jongen met de rechtse pet (Melanie)
- Arthur Vermeyen, omdat ik hem echt graag heb en omdat het zo moeilijk is om hem nog eens echt te ontmoeten (Rosie)
- de wolfclan, bestaande uit wolf, wolvin, de zanger, pm en froefroetje
People We Liked To Meet
Jonathan Safran Foer, die ons toevertrouwde: 'thank you' ( --> Melanie) en, het allermooiste: 'Take care' (--> Rosie)
Jean-Guihen Queyras, wereldberoemde cellist, die we voor ons deden spelen in een houten hutje
Looking for Lovestories
Wij (Rosie en Melanie) hebben een ambitieus plan. We gaan een reusachtige Lovestoriesdatabase opbouwen. Daarom willen we iedereen vragen ons jullie mooie/opwindende/grappige (waargebeurde!) lovestories door te mailen. Vertel het ons. Hoe liep je je Ware / je iets-minder-Ware (maar-daarom-niet-minder-spannende) tegen het lijf? Pittige details graag. In ruil sturen we je een waanzinnig spectaculaire lovestory van één van ons. Wees gerust; we maken jullie bijdragen in geen geval openbaar.
Dank aan Rosie
For the record:
- Melanie saving Rosie's life: 0 times - Rosie saving Melanie's life: 2 times
wat een mooi beeld!
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver!
Dear Melanie and Rosie,
What an excellent picture! Thank you very much indeed. May I grant both of you an Everlasting Honorary Membership of my TOAWN Fellowship? (TOAWN is the abbreviation of ‘The Ones Acquainted With the Night’.) Among the outstanding Honorary Members of TOAWN are William Shakespeare (‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream)’, Charlie Chaplin (‘City Lights’), J.F. Céline (‘Voyage au bout de la nuit’), Vincent van Gogh, (‘Terrasse du Café le Soir, Place du Forum, Arles’), Graham Greene, Carol Reed & Orson Welles (‘The third man’), Maurice Sendak (‘In the Night Kitchen’ and ‘Where the Wild Things Are’) and a great many others. We all share at least two things: a keen sensibility for the mysteries of the night and our fellowship anthem. The lyrics of the anthem are the fourteen lines of a poem written by your servant:
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain - and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back to say good-by;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right
I have been one acquainted with the night.
Well, don’t you agree your picture and my poem are dizygotic twins?. As to the music, it is somewhat less definite. Indeed it has to be reinvented whenever the anthem is sung and it keeps changing forever in close correspondence with the phases of the moon. So feel free to hum or sing it in your own way according to your mood (which is of course dictated by the moon.)
Now, my dear Melanie and Rosie, do you accept this Honorary Membership? If your answer is positive, you only have to pass one small initiation ritual. I ask you to go out one night and take an artistic picture of Big Ben showing its luminary clock. On the very moment the snapshot is taken you will enter the Fellowship en enjoy the company of all its members. And please, do put it on your weblog.
Yours faithfully,
Robert Frost,
President of the TOAWN Fellowship
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